Friday, January 29, 2010

The Symbols that would be on my Belt

The first thing I would put on my belt would be L.B.D which are the initials of my mother. She is the most important thing in my life. I wouldn't be anywhere without her. The next thing I would put on my belt would be a pair of dance shoes. Dance is the second most important thing to me. I can't imagine my life without it and the people I met because of it. The next thing I would put on it is Radio City Music Hall.I was able to get a scholarship, go up to NYC for a week, and perform in a show there for dance. It is one of the great memories I have. Then I would have the breast cancer symbol put on. My grandmother was diagnosed with it a year or two ago and she means so much to me. I want to represent how great of a fighter she is against this disease. Next would be the Eiffel Tower because I have always wanted to go to Paris and see it. Next I would put a Broadway sign on it because every time I go to NYC I go see a Broadway show and are always amazing. Then I would put in a cruise ship. I went on one last summer for vacation and it was so much fun. I went with my whole family and my best friend. Lastly, I would carve in NYU because that is the place I would really like to go to for college. NYC is one of my favorite places in the world and I would love living there.

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