Thursday, February 4, 2010

Introduction to Into the Wild

It begins with Chris's body being found in an old abandoned bus. It back tracks through the weeks he was gone and on this journey. He survived for a little more than 100 days just on what was around him. He ate edible plants and berries to stay alive after deciding to go through the Alaskan wilderness. He one day chooses the wrong thing to eat and ends up eating a seed that poisoned him. In healthy people they probably could have fought off the poison chemicals but because he was not fully nourished he could not. He then suffers from weakness and starvation which was hypothesized after they found his body weighing 67 pounds. This then leads to his death alone and in the wilderness. Join me on the journey through this book. It will be an adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent start to your blog project! Your layout is appealing to the eye and the info is interesting, especially your characterization blog. You just need to add URL's at the bottom if you use outside info. Also, your travel blog could have had more detail in it.
    First blog check grade is 95%.
